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After the adoption of the Washington Consensus, there were large expectations regarding economic growth and development in the Latin American region. However, growth has been relatively modest and varied and large inequalities remain. In this context, the role of companies in society and how they do business have been questioned. Institutional pressures for new business models that provide value to multiple stakeholders are growing, and are particularly strong for firms with international operations. Questions remain regarding how traditional and emerging market multinationals should respond to this situation, what business models should they pursue, and which firms obtain reputation benefits from responding to these pressures?

To address these issues, the Latin American Chapter of the Academy of International Business (AIB-LAT) announces its 7th Annual conference “Corporate Shared Values, MNCs and Corporate Reputation in Latin America”, to be held in Lima, Peru at ESAN University from March 8 -10, 2017.

We cordially invite you to submit papers related to the theme of the conference. Papers more broadly based on international business and Latin America will also be welcomed. The review of manuscripts for the conference will be led by Program Chair Jorge Carneiro (PUC-Rio, Brazil), under the following track structure, led by the track chairs listed below:

  • CSR, Sustainability and Corp. Gov.: Maria Alejandra Gonzalez- Perez (EAFIT, Colombia) 
  • Entrepreneurship and Family Business: Patricio Duran (UAI, Chile)
  • FDI and Internationalization: Mario Henrique Ogasavara (ESPM, Brazil)
  • Institutions and International Business: Diego Finchelstein (UDESA, Argentina)
  • Management, Marketing and HRM: Carlos Rodríguez (INCAE, Nicaragua)
  • International Business in Latin America and the Caribbean: David Mayorga (UP, Peru)

Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 30th, 2016.
Communication of Decisions: November 15th, 2016.

Additional Scholarly Activities: The AIB-LAT conference in Lima will also feature three events specifically designed for Ph.D. students and young scholars who want to receive developmental feedback from experienced researchers on their current research projects. Accordingly, pre-conference activities will include a Doctoral consortium, a PDW in Spanish and a JIBS PDW in English. Application procedures for these activities will be provided at a later date. A Conference Proceedings of Paper Abstracts along with other publication opportunities will be available.
Please note that we accept manuscripts in Spanish for the PDW only. All submissions for the main conference must be in English.

ESAN was the first academic Graduate School of Business Administration created in the Spanish speaking world (founded on July 25th, 1963). Its MBA is consistently recognized as the best in Peru and one of the best in Latin America (cf. America Economía rankings, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). Its President, Professor Jorge Talavera Traverso, is an Honorary AIB Fellow and recipient of the 2012 AIB Fellows International Educator of the Year Award.

LIMA is considered the gastronomical capital of South America. With more than 400 original dishes, be prepared to discover a full of flavors around every corner. Further, Lima is a city with rich history, beautiful beaches and with a marvelous coastal view. PERU holds many additional treasures to visit including the world famous Machu Picchu, Cuzco and Nazca lines, among many others.

Conference Chairs: Armando Borda, / Mariella Olivos (Universidad ESAN, Peru). Chapter Chair: William Newburry,  (FIU, USA)
Program Chair: Jorge Carneiro (PUC-Rio, Brazil)

Visit and for more information in the coming weeks. Submit questions to


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